Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The beginning is only the beginning.

This is a test.

A lame one at that. Why do I have to challenge myself to become productive?

Because I'm a schizophrenic & competitive nob-end, that's why.

I plan on being more creative and less wasteful: hence the name of my blog. By the end of 2011 I hope to be able to play jazz on the trumpet, finish editing my motion picture scripts, write a hefty piece of my novel (of which my lazy ass has written seven fucking pages), and produce an amateur ambient/alternative album. Here you will find the writings, suggestions, opinions, music, photographs and general musings of Conn Donato Cianci-McGraw. Thank you.


  1. maybe try to tackle a few less things at once? divide and conquer. Instead of spreading it all out on the table, looking at it, feeling overwhelmed and reaching for the remote, (this is me I'm satirizing BTW) get out the pile, pick one thing out and put it on the table, then work on it.

    works for me. love you buttloads.

  2. Our druthers are like mothers; always waiting- and ready to support you...if you tend to them as you should.

    I love you but the only way to simmer my apathy away is to dive in head first and juggle my druthers until something sticks.

  3. Where are you in the novel these days?

  4. Subscribe and I'll tell you! Not far, I'm pretty afraid I'm going to fuck it up. My courage is in the dumps but my finger pointing is getting better.
